In this section you will find a wide selection of handlebar grips from the best brands, personally chosen by our workers given their quality guarantees and their experience in the field. That's why our selection of handlebar grips is among the best on the market, as we only sell products that we know we can trust.
Grips are usually made of firm or soft plastic, foam, gel, or sometimes leather, depending on the expected use or the desired price. They can be simply smooth and round or molded to better fit the shape of a human hand. Foam grips can be applied by submerging them under water and then inflating them with 200,000 Pa (30 psi) of air while massaging them onto the handlebar. A quick way to attach the foam grips is to spray the ends of the bars generously with hairspray and then slide them over the grips and quickly adjust their rotation; leaving them alone, the hairspray will soon lock them into position. The plastic grips can be heated in water and drilled into the handlebar. Finally, a small amount of isopropyl alcohol (for rubbing) can be applied to the surface of the bar during removal or installation of the grips to provide lubrication, which when allowed to dry, leaves no residue.
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