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Lablubri wide range lubricant 150ml

Reference: 8434894354154

Offer: £9.94
PVP: £12.48
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LABLUBRI WIDE RANGE LUBRICANT 150ML is a high performance ceramic lubricant with PTFE Teflon.


More information

- Dry and wet use

- Non-stick

- Anti-wear

Comments (2)

| 31/12/2024 | Verified purchase
Lablubri wide range lubricant 150ml

No tenien el producte en stock hem van trucar per avisar i en poc temps el vaig rebre, tot molt correcte, gracies

| 06/02/2020
Lablubri wide range lubricant 150ml

Me lo recomendo un amigo, es el mejor lubricante que he probado. El unico que me aguanta toda la salida.

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