In this section you will find a wide selection of bottom brackets from the best brands, personally chosen by our workers given their quality guarantees and their experience in the field. That's why our selection of bottom brackets is among the best on the market, as we only sell products that we know we can trust.
The bottom bracket of a bicycle rotates on the bearings contained in the bottom bracket shell. The bottom bracket pan contains a headstock where the cranks meet and the chainrings and pedals adhere to the cranks.
The bottom bracket of a bicycle connects the crankset (crankset) to the bicycle and allows the crankset to rotate freely. It contains an axle to which the connecting rod set and bearings that allow the axle and connecting rods to rotate are connected. Chainrings and pedals are attached to the cranks. Bottom bracket bushings fit inside the bottom bracket shell, which connects the seat tube, down tube and chainstays as part of the bike frame.
The term "bracket" refers to the tube fittings that are used to secure the frame tubes to steel frames with dowels that also form the housing that contains the axle and bearings; the term is now used for all frames, bracketed or not.
There is some disagreement as to whether the word shaft or spindle should be used in particular contexts. The distinction is based on whether the unit is stationary, as in a hub, or rotates, as in a bottom bracket. American bicycle mechanic and author Sheldon Brown uses axle once and axle four times in his bottom bracket glossary entry. This item uses spindle throughout for consistency.
An old American term for the bottom bracket is suspension. This is generally used in conjunction with Ashtabula cranks, also called one-piece cranks
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