onVeló cycling
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Brand: revbox

Reference: revbox

Offer: £290.44
PVP: £415.27


Now available in this ultra-light and even more compact version for easy transport, handling and storage, the new Revbox Compact is the ultimate in lightweight, stationary training systems for cyclists, triathletes and fitness enthusiasts. Proudly manufactured and designed from New Zealand. With the large fan providing audible feedback to help you hone your pedaling technique, this low inertia trainer generates highly efficient muscle conditioning by ensuring you get the most out of every pedal stroke. With injection molded fan blades for added strength, weight reduction and sound dampening, the LT1.0 weighs just 10.3kg. All the muscles of the legs and lower back are activated and used evenly during the 360˚ pedal stroke, resulting in maximum training performance in an efficient time frame. The Revbox Compact LT1.0 is perfect for athletes with an FTP of> 280.


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1. Injection molded propellers that gain very little forward thrust, if any, matching very low inertia.

2. ABS side panels that are extremely durable, light and rigid.

3. Components and parts machined with precision CNC.

4. Protective mesh housing for a secure, fully enclosed unit.

5. CNC machined aluminum bracket for maximum stabilization.

6. Removable stainless steel stabilizer leg.

Compatible with all conventional road bikes (10/11 speed) simply by removing the rear wheel.

RR and MTB thru-axle conversion kits are also available.

Comments (1)

| 03/05/2020 | Verified purchase

Mucho mejor de lo esperado, se simula muy bien las sensaciones que tienen en ruta

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (12)


Teniu stock encara del producte

Store response | 14/04/2020

No tenim, disculpa Salutacions


¿ Es compatible con Bkool o Zwift?

Store response | 14/04/2020

No Saludos


Buenas,tengo un cambio gx 12v.Queria saber si puedo montarle un cassette de 12, o si lo podria utilizar con uno de 11 igual.Me lo podriais subministrar con el cassette que me vaya bien.Grácias.

Store response | 14/04/2020

Hola Franc, si se podria montar de 12v, pero hemos agotado el rodillo Disculpa Saludos

See all questions

Es decir este tipo de rodillo solo sirve para bici de carretera, para MTB 29 hay que comprar adaptador A diferencia con la competencia elite suito precio similar , este último gusrada registros de cadencia etc Por lo que veo es un rodillo puro y duro con otro tipo de mecánica más sofisticada

Store response | 14/04/2020

Hola, si, pero hemos agotado el stock... Gracias y disculpa Saludos


¿Aún les quedan en stock?, si es afirmativo ¿cual es el plazo de entrega? saludos.

Store response | 14/04/2020

Los hemos agotado Saludos


Hola, Tinc una Orbea oiz 2020. Boost 10-51/12v. Serveix aquest rodillo? I us queden en stock? Gràcies i Bona nit

Store response | 14/04/2020

Bon dia, no és compatible amb eixos passants. Gracies Salutacions


Hola. Quedan en stock? Cuanto tarda el envío?

Store response | 08/04/2020

Si tenemos, llega en uno o dos dias Saludos


Bon dia, ho puc adaptar a una mtb de 26"?, que caldria?, es pot anar variant la resistència?, quan ho podria rebre? Codi postal 08290


Bon día, inclou el cassette? Gracies

Store response | 08/04/2020

No, el pinyó no va inclòs Salutacions


Buenos días viene con el casette? De piñones ?

Store response | 08/04/2020

No, viene sin piñones Saludos


Tienes en stock? En Girona, Spain cuando se puede entregar.?gracias


Bon día, Us queden en stock? Es compatible amb bkool o Zwift? Salutacions

Store response | 01/04/2020

Si en tenim, No són smart. Pots utilitzar zwift o qualsevol altra plataforma si tens sensor de cadència o velocitat o potenciòmetre, si que pots utilitzar les plataformes amb el rodillo. Salutacions

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