In this section you will find a wide selection of urban bicycles from the best brands, personally chosen by our workers given their quality guarantees and their experience in the field. That is why our selection of home bikes is among the best on the market, as we only sell products that we know we can trust.
The home bicycle, also described as a city bike, city bike, or utility bike, is a bicycle designed for practical transportation. This means that these bikes are aimed at short rides, mainly being used to go to and from work, shopping, walking around the city, etc.
How and where you carry out these activities is up to you, but at Onveló we offer you the means for it. These bicycles, selected for their quality, reliability and safety, provide the urban cyclist with a feeling of tranquility and joy during their time of use.
Home bikes often feature a curved top bar for easy riding, single speed, or internal hub shifting, and hub brakes to reduce maintenance, mudguards to keep the rider's clothing clean, a bumper chain to prevent loose skirts or pants from being caught in the chain, skirt / coat protector to prevent a long coat or skirt from getting caught on the rear wheel or brakes, a support stand so that it can be parked easily, and a basket or luggage rack to carry personal items or shopping bags.
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